EU projects
Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business 2
The project is aimed at developing and strengthening Małopolska’s micro and SME companies.
Thanks to comprehensive and multidirectional activities in the field of economic promotion of Malopolska, in particular the Krakow Functional Area (KrOF), it will be possible to reach an audience in the national and international business environment with the economic offer.
Project objectives:
The continuation of the Kraków Metropolitan Area for Business project is intended to influence two important fields of the regional economy:
-Increase in internationalization of SME companies (access to information on markets and trends, promotional activities);
– Maintaining the dynamics of the inflow of direct foreign investment to Małopolska (promotion of KrOF’s economic offer on foreign markets through participation in fairs).
The main tasks envisaged in the project schedule include:
– Presentation of the economic potential during investment fairs in Europe,
– Presentation of the region’s economic potential during international trade fair events related to Malopolska’s smart specializations in the European, Asian and American markets,
– Development and distribution of analyses of selected foreign markets.
The implementation of the above-mentioned activities will be supported by an information and promotion campaign in online and traditional media, as well as public relations activities. The effect of the project will be to integrate the partners’ efforts to create a common message to the outside world about the attractive and competitive conditions for new investors to locate in Małopolska/KrOF and to strengthen the image of this region as a good location for investment.
Project partners: Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A., Fundacja Małopolska Izba Samorządowa
Project implementation period: January 2022 – June 2023
Project value: PLN 1,662,260.00
The value of co-financing from the European Union: PLN 1,412,921.00
Funding source: Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3 Entrepreneurship in Małopolska, Measure 3.3 Internationalisation of the Małopolska Economy, Sub-measure 3.3.1 Promotion of the Małopolska Economy.
The Economic Activity Zone “Nowa Huta Przyszłości”
The Economic Activity Zone (EAZ) is one of the major components of the strategic project “Kraków – Nowa Huta District of the Future”. It encompasses a nearly 40. hectare area located on post-industrial land. Its big advantage is transport accessibility – location in the immediate vicinity of national road No. 79, proximity to the S7 expressway and A4 highway, as well as proximity to railroad infrastructure.
The project is a response to the demand for investment areas for industrial activities in the Kraków area. The project will allow the city to “reclaim” almost 33 hectares of unused post-industrial land, which will serve the development of companies mainly from the small and medium-sized enterprise sector. It will be a space available to entities from various industries with a particular focus on the Smart Specializations of the Małopołska Region (including: chemistry, IT technologies, biotechnology, sustainable energy, metal production, electronics, creative and leisure industries). Entrepreneurs from both Poland and abroad will find favorable conditions for doing business and investing there. It is assumed that about 40 new investments will be located in the area, which will also affect the creation of new jobs. Thanks to this approach, the activities of the new Zone will be part of the implementation of the strategic goals not only of Kraków, but also of the whole of Małopolska.
The axis of the project is Igołomska Street, which is currently being reconstructed, and the area lying on both sides of the street has been divided into three sub-areas. The largest of them – Igołomska Północ – is more than 17 hectares, while Igołomska Południe is almost 16 hectares.
The total cost of the investment project titled “Comprehensive preparation of investment areas of the Economic Activity Zone – Nowa Huta Przyszłości” is almost PLN 93 million, of which almost PLN 59 million will be co-financed from tha European Funds under the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region for 2014-2020, Measure 3.1 Economic Activity Zones, Sub-measure 3.1.1. Economic Activity Zones, for which The Krakow Metropolits is the Intermediary Institution.
Project in numbers:
Project value: 92,214,250.43 PLN
The value of co-financing from the European Union: PLN 59,330,547.71
Company’s own contribution: PLN 32,883,702.72
Area of prepared investment areas: 32.48 ha
Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business
The project includes integrated economic promotion of the economic potential of Małpolska, in particular the Krakow Functional Area (KrOF), implemented in the form of a large-scale image campaign and direct promotion of the economic potential of the region/KrOF in the country and on the international arena.
Project objectives:
The KMA4Business project is intended to influence two important fields of the regional economy:
– increase in the internationalization of entrepreneurs from the SME sector (economic missions, access to information on markets and trends, promotional activities);
– maintaining the dynamics of the inflow of foreign direct investment to Małopolska (promotion of KrOF’s economic offer on foreign markets through participation in fairs, presentations, conferences). At the same time, the structure of these undertakings is to be improved, i.e. the diversification and strengthening of foreign expansion of Małopolska’s SMEs and the acquisition of investments with high added value, located in the KrOF area, but simultaneously affecting the development of the rest of the region.
The assumptions of the project are focused on the interest of Polish and foreign companies in investing in the region and stimulating the export of products and services.
The image campaign will be conducted through:
– developing a visual identification of the KrOF economic brand;
– creation of an Internet platform;
– creation of products (carriers) of the promotional message.
Direct promotion will be implemented in the form of:
– organization of outbound economic missions of Małopolska enterprises;
– organization of economic presentations promoting the Małopolska economy in global centers of investment service for companies;
– organization of conferences/meetings promoting the Małopolska economy during trade fairs;
– participation in investment fairs and exhibitions on European, Asian and Middle Eastern markets;
– organization of at least one study visit for representatives of foreign companies;
– organization of a conference promoting the potential of Małopolska/KrOF.
The recipients of the activities will be Małopolska entrepreneurs from the SME sector, interested in internationalization of their activities.
The effect of the project will be to integrate the efforts of public partners and business-related organizations to create a common message about attractive and competitive conditions for locating new investments in the region.
Project partners: Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A., The Municipality of Kraków, The Krakow Metropolis, Krakow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Project implementation period: February 2019 – January 2023
Project value: PLN 5,587,780.00
The value of co-financing from the European Union: PLN 4,749,613.00
Funding source: Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3 Entrepreneurship in Małopolska, Measure 3.3 Internationalisation of the Małopolska Economy, Sub-measure 3.3.1 Promotion of the Małopolska Economy.
Construction of recreational infrastructure in the vicinity of the reservoir No. 1
Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. is implementing a project focused on the southern part of the undertaking called Leisure and Recreation Center “Przylasek Rusiecki”, the aim of which is to create in the area of “Przylasek Rusiecki”, an area equipped with infrastructure enabling recreational, cultural and sports functions.
The “Construction of recreational infrastructure in the vicinity of reservoir No. 1” project is to provide a modern, accessible to people with disabilities, multifunctional center for tourism, recreation and leisure. It assumes cleaning up the area, reconstruction of the system of paths, parking lots, pedestrian and bicycle routes, construction of recreation equipment and facilities and services, piers, small architecture, lighting and other intelligent management equipment.
Project implementation period: August 1, 2017 – March 22, 2021
Project value: PLN 18,493,357.50
The value of co-financing from the European Union: PLN 5,264,939.37
Funding source: Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region for 2014-2020
Power up your Business in Małopolska
Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. is a partner in the “Power up your Business in Małopolska” project. The leader of the project is Małopolska Regional Development Agency, and the other partner is Krakow Technology Park.The aim of the project is to promote selected areas of the economy and, from this angle, to strengthen Małopolska’s image in the international environment.”Power up your Business in Małopolska” project includes, among others:
- participation in fairs, information and promotion events and economic missions;
- workshops, meetings, conferences for regional entrepreneurs, exporters and local government units, with the participation of trade exchange experts;
- studies, catalogs, publications, an economic periodical and websites for entrepreneurs and trade partners;
- promotion of foreign investments, expansion of the investment offer database, global promotion of the regional cooperation offer.
The project is aimed at the companies from Małopolska already exporting or considering starting to sell abroad, businesses interested in investing, particularly in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and representatives of local authorities who want to improve investor servicing tools.
The primary result is support for Małopolska’s exports and an increase in the number of foreign investors in Małopolska. The project will also strengthen the image of the region as a place where regional industries of the economy are developed, using modern and innovative technologies.
Project implementation period: February 1, 2016 – December 31, 2018
Project value: PLN 8,830,511.88
The value of co-financing from the European Union: PLN 7,505,935.10
Value of the project on the part of KNHP S.A.: PLN 1,838,790
Including European Funds contribution: PLN 1,562,971.50
Funding source: Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region for 2014-2020