Information in ETR

Information about the scope of activities of Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. in easy-to-read text (ETR) and in Polish Sign Language (PJM)


Basic information:


Kra­ków Nowa Huta Przy­szło­ści Spół­ka Ak­cyj­na based in Kra­ko­w.


The founders and shareholders (i.e. owners) of the Company are the Municipality of Krakow and the Małopolska Province.



Company Headquarters:


The Company’s headquarters are located at Osiedle Willowe 30 in Krakow.



Company Authorities:


The President of the Company’s Management Board is Artur Paszko.


The Vice Chairman of the Company’s Management Board is Jakub Szymanski.



What does Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. do?


The Company’s goal is to implement the “Kraków – Nowa Huta of the Future” project.


It has been divided into several smaller tasks: a science and technology park, a logistics center, a venue for outdoor events, a recreation center with a swimming pool and an open-air museum.


The first part of the resort area in Przylasek Rusiecki opened in 2021.


The company also aims to promote Malopolska, including its capital, the city of Krakow, and the Nowa Huta district in particular. We are also involved in searching for investors, managing real estate, preparing and implementing investment tasks, and gaining financial support.


The result of our work is expected to be the creation of new jobs and the renewal of the eastern part of Nowa Huta.



Architectural accessibility:


The seat of the Board of Directors (secretariat) of Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A., i.e. Osiedle Willowe 30, 31-902 Kraków:


There is one entrance to the building from the parking lot located at the rear of the building. The entrance is located on the first floor, with no stairs leading to it.


The Company Secretariat is located on the 2nd floor of the building, on the left. A staircase leads to it. The building has no elevator, ramp platforms or wheelchair ramp.


It is possible to provide communication with the Company at the request of a person with special needs, for example, by having a Company employee come down to the person.


You can enter the building with an assistance dog and a guide dog.


There are no toilets for people with disabilities in the building.


There are no induction loops in the building.


There is no Braille signage in the building, nor is there contrast or enlarged print signage for the blind and visually impaired.


A sign language interpreter is not available in the building.


There are no parking spaces designated for people with disabilities in front of the building.



Declaration of website accessibility  knhp.​com.​pl can be found under Accessibility Statement.



Contact Krakow Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A.:


You can write a letter and send it by mail to: Kra­ków Nowa Huta Przy­szło­ści S.A., Osie­dle Wil­lo­we 30, 31-902 Kra­ków.


You can visit the Company in person: Kra­ków Nowa Huta Przy­szło­ści S.A., Osie­dle Wil­lo­we 30, 31-902 Kra­ków.


You can call or text by dialing a number: +48 727 432 104.


You can send an email to: biuro@​knhp.​com.​pl.


Deaf and hard-of-hearing people can contact each other via SMS or e-mail.


If you need translation into PJM, please apply in advance.



Contact for Accessibility Coordinator:


You can contact via phone or e-mail.


The contact person is Mr. Marcin Rybski, tel. +48 727 432 104, e-mail: biuro@​knhp.​com.​pl


The same route can be used to submit requests for inaccessible information and to submit requests for accessibility – requests for accessibility.


The request for accessibility should include:


1) applicant’s contact information;


2) indication of a barrier that hinders or prevents accessibility in terms of architectural or information and communication technology;


3) an indication of how to contact the applicant;


4) an indication of the preferred way to ensure accessibility.


In the event that a public entity fails to provide accessibility to an applicant under the terms of the Act of July 19, 2019 on Providing Accessibility to Persons with Special Needs (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1696, as amended), the applicant may submit a complaint to the President of the Board of Directors of PFRON.



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