About us

About the company

Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A.
Our Company was established in November 2014 by the Municipality of Kraków and the Małopolska Region in order to implement the project entitled “Krakow – Nowa Huta District of the Future”. The key task of the Company is to take effective measures to accelerate the economic development of the eastern part of Krakow in infrastructural, functional and social aspects. This is done by developing the area in a way that raises the attractiveness of Nowa Huta district primarily for investors, the community of the city and municipality of Kraków, as well as the entire region and tourists.


• the Municipality of Kraków
• the Małopolska Region


Supervisory Board
• Prof. Jan Czekaj – Chairman of the Supervisory Board
• Agnieszka Budzik – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
• Artur Pocielej – Secretary of the Supervisory Board
• Leon Pluciński – Member of the Supervisory Board
• Bogdan Dąsal – Member of the Supervisory Board


Management Board
• dr Artur Paszko – President of the Management Board
• Jakub Szymański – Vice President of the Management Board




dr Artur Paszko
President of the Management Board

The implementation of the Project “Krakow – Nowa Huta District of the Future” requires the involvement of a significant number of entities, among them: local communities and their organizations, land owners, current and potential entrepreneurs and investors, owners of the metallurgical works, universities, state institutions. There is no other area in Kraków that has such potential and yet is so underinvested. The operation of the Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. company makes it possible to take advantage of the opportunities that lie dormant in undeveloped areas of Nowa Huta, and at the same time provides a new development impulse for it, but also for the entire city and even the region.

dr Artur Paszko Prezes Zarządu Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A.




Jakub Szymański
Vice President of the Management Board

Restoring the most neglected part of Krakow to residents and businesses is a challenge that opens up many extremely valuable opportunities. That’s why the “Kraków – Nowa Huta District of the Future” project involves comprehensive revitalization activities. For residents, we are preparing space for recreation, sports, culture and science. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, can count on fully prepared for investment areas of Economic Activity Zones, which focus on innovative technologies and scientific research. In implementing the project, we are drawing models from analogous revitalization processes carried out in Poland, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Belgium. The project is being successively expanded to include other areas and activities, and adapted to the latest and proven trends.

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