100% of points – this was the result obtained by the application for EU funding * for the project prepared by Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future SA project (in partnership with Małopolska Local Authorities’ Chamber Foundation) entitled “Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business 2” (KMA4Business) in the recruitment announced by the Małopolska Centre of Entrepreneurship. The goal of KMA4Business is to support business from the region, in particular by promoting internationally the image of Małopolska enterprises as reliable partners and high quality of their products.

The main beneficiaries of the project are companies from the SME sector, in particular those operating in the Krakow Functional Area, which includes – apart from Krakow – 14 surrounding municipalities, including Niepołomice, Skawina, Świątniki Górne and Wieliczka. It will be a carefully selected group, which, after the completion of the program, will also constitute a group of experts for other small and medium-sized enterprises from Małopolska in the field of practical aspects of preparing an investor’s offer and conducting negotiations.

The project is a continuation of the undertaking of the same name, implemented by Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future SA from 2019 in partnership with the Municipality of Krakow, the Krakow Metropolis Association and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Krakow. So far, within its framework, a number of activities in the field of broadly understood economic promotion have been carried out. Among them were economic missions and organization of stands at the most important investment fairs in Europe and Asia. KMA4Business is also the organization of presentations promoting the Małopolska Region economy, conferences and meetings during trade fairs and study visits for representatives of foreign companies. As part of the image campaign, a communication platform was also created: http://www.kma4business.metropoliakrakowska.pl/


* Projects “Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business” 1 and 2 are implemented thanks to co-financing from the Regional Operational Program of the Małopolska Region for 2014-2020 under Priority Axis 3 “Entrepreneurial Małopolska”, Measure 3.3 “Internationalization of the Małopolska economy”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 ” Economic promotion of Małopolska “.