“Life science and chemical industry in Małopolska” and “Startup and creative industry in Małopolska” – the fol­lo­wing two re­ports is­su­ed by Kra­ków Nowa Huta of the Fu­tu­re S.A. as an pro­mo­tio­nal tool for in­ter­na­tio­nal ac­ti­vi­ty.

In the “Life science and chemical industry in Małopolska” report, we will read about the most important undertakings related to this sector in the region. We will find out what characterizes enterprises and where key companies and institutions dealing with knowledge domains focusing on living organisms are located. Life sciences group includes biology, biotechnology, genomics, proteomics, pharmacy, biomedicine or bioinformatics.

The report also presents information on the chemical industry in our region. We will read what characterizes this sector and how the employment structure looks like.

Startup and creative industry in Małopolska” – this report contains information on startups and the broadly understood creative industry. We will read, among others what describes these sectors, how the salaries of employees are shaped, and where the main centres of these industries are located.