The presentation of the economic offer of Malopolska conducted in September 2023 in Singapore by Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. was a strategic element of the program for the promotion of the Kraków Metropolis on the international arena.

The highlight of the event was a meeting organized by the Foreign Trade Office of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency in Singapore between the Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości delegation and local entrepreneurs affiliated with the Singapore Business Federation. At the meeting, Secretary of the Polish Embassy in Singapore Wojciech Wątły presented encouraging prospects for further economic cooperation between Poland and Singapore and other countries of the region, while Aleksander Czechowski (representative of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency) presented Poland’s economic potential, including the main macroeconomic parameters, and pointed out the most important institutions and organizations serving to support both investors and those interested in trade between the two countries.

Another element was a presentation by Marcin Rybski, Director of the Office of Investor Services, Cooperation and Promotion with Krakow Nowa Huta Future, highlighting the economic potential of Malopolska, with particular emphasis on the Krakow Metropolitan Area. The speech showed our region as a particularly attractive place for investment in Poland.

Extremely valuable in the meeting was the participation of a group of Małopolska entrepreneurs (including exporters), who, in parallel with the delegation of Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości, carried out an economic mission under the project of the West Małopolska Development Agency (Agencja Rozwoju Małopolski Zachodniej). This is an excellent example of how different initiatives support each other and amplify the effects of activities. The meeting ended with a networking session, during which the Polish delegation answered questions from Singaporean entrepreneurs about cooperation. It resulted in valuable business contacts opening the way for further cooperation.

The name of the company Krakow Nowa Huta Przyszłości (Krakow Nowa Huta – District of the Future) obliges. Not surprisingly, the greatest fascination among the representatives of the KNHP delegation was aroused by the technologies of tomorrow presented at the TECHSPO tradeshow, which was another item on the agenda of the Singapore visit. TECHSPO focuses on the latest technologies and innovations in marketing, e-commerce, blockchain networks, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cybersecurity, and fields such as AdTech, MarTech, and SaaS Technology. This is a valuable forum for experts to share ideas and experience. That’s why the panel discussions, lectures and workshops of this year’s TECHSPO fair, held September 28-29 in Singapore, provided a valuable platform for representatives of Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości to learn about the technological innovations and business trends of the Far East. Above all, TECHSPO fair was an excellent opportunity to promote the economic potential of Kraków and Malopolska, including the investment offer of Nowa Huta, both among foreign contractors and exhibitors, and among local business leaders planning to expand abroad. As a result, TECHSPO Singapore opened potential prospects for cooperation with partners from the East Asian region.

Participation in the aforementioned events was co-financed with funds from the European Union as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region 2014-2020, Priority Axis 3 “Entrepreneurial Malopolska”, Measure 3.3 “Internationalization of the Malopolska economy”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 “Economic promotion of Malopolska”.

Thanks to the “Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business 2” project, under which a Polish delegation to Singapore was organized, the recognition of Małopolska and the Krakow Metropolitan Area increased, and potential partners around the world gained a broader insight into the region’s attractive economic offer and valuable business contacts.