On January 13, the first meeting of the project partners took place. Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future SA and Małopolska Chamber of Local Government Foundation inaugurated the commencement of activities planned in the schedule of the Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business 2 project.
The project is a continuation of the undertaking of the same title implemented by the Krakow Nowa Huta of the Future SA since 2019 in partnership with the Municipality of Krakow, the Krakow Metropolis Association and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Krakow. This time we will conduct our activities together with Małopolska Chamber of Local Government Foundation.
The assumptions of the new project are to affect two important fields of the regional economy:
– increase in the internationalization of enterprises from the SME sector
– maintaining the dynamics of the inflow of Foreign Direct Investments to Małopolska Region.
The direct recipients of the project are Małopolska entrepreneurs from the micro and SME sector, who will receive knowledge, tools and information in the field of planning and implementing international economic expansion. As part of the project, selected areas of Małopolska’s Smart Specializations will be presented, such as: information and communication technologies, electrical engineering and machine industry, or sustainable energy. The region’s economic offer will be presented during international fairs on the European, Asian and American markets.
As part of supporting the investment process in the region (presentation of the Krakow Functional Area offer, i.e. municipalities associated in the Krakow Metropolis Association), participation in the largest investment fairs in Europe, such as MIPIM in Cannes or Real Expo in Munich, was planned. Acquiring new investors is a strong development stimulus for the local economy, and new foreign investments have a direct impact on the condition of domestic companies, especially from the SME sector, which in the economic system often act as suppliers, cooperators and partners for newly created enterprises.
Therefore, comprehensive and multi-directional activities in the field of economic promotion of Małopolska Region, in particular the Krakow Functional Area (KrOF), are carried out in two directions: investment support and promotion of the export potential of Małopolska companies. The effect of these activities is to create a common external message with attractive and competitive conditions for locating new investors in Małopolska / KrOF and strengthening the image of this region as a good location for investments.
As part of the project, analyzes of selected markets will be prepared, a comprehensive information campaign in electronic media will be provided, contacts with project participants will be initiated and maintained, meetings and conferences on the region’s innovative potential in the field of Smart Specializations will be organized, ongoing information exchange between all entities influencing shaping economic image of Małopolska Region.
Please contact the project representatives:
Kraków Nowa Huta Przyszłości S.A. (Krakow Nowa Huta of the Future SA) – biuro@knhp.com.pl
Fundacja Małopolska Izba Samorządowa (Małopolska Chamber of Local Government Foundation) – biuro@fundacjamis.org.pl
Project financing source: Regional Operational Programme of the Małopolska Region 2014-2020, Priority axis 3 “Entrepreneurial Małopolska”, Measure 3.3 “Internationalization of the Małopolska economy”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 “Economic promotion of Małopolska”.