On 18 October 2018 an agreement which guarantees attribution of EU subsidy of 59 million PLN from the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 for building Economic Activity Zone – Nowa Huta of the Future was signed. Ssignatories to the Agreement were: behalf of Małopolska Voivodeship – Jacek Krupa, Marshall of Małopolska Voivodeship and Grzegorz Lipiec, Member of the Board of Małopolska Voivodeship, on behalf of Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future S.A – Artur Paszko, Chairman of the Board. The celebration was attended by prof. Jacek Majchrowski – Mayor of the City of Kraków.
Economic Activity Zone (EAZ) is one of the most important components of the strategic project “Kraków – Nowa Huta of the Future”. It covers an area of almost 40 hectares located on
brownfields. Its great advantage is the convenient communication availability – location in the direct neighbourhood of national road no 79, proximity of S7 two-lane expressway and A4 highway as well as the vicinity of railway infrastructure.
Foreign and domestic entrepreneurs will find there favourable conditions for operating and investing. Economic Activity Zone is being created mainly for micro, small and medium entrepreneurships. It will be a space available for companies from different industries with particular focus on Intelligent Specialisations of Małopolska Voivodeship (including chemistry, IT technologies, biotechnology sustainable energy, metal production, electronics, creative and leisure industries). Thanks to such an approach, the new zone activity will fit in realisation of the strategic targets not only of Krakow, but also of whole Malopolska.
The axis of the project is Igolomska street being just rebuilt. The area was divided into three subareas: the biggest one – Igolomska North of 17 ha, Igolomska South of almost 16 ha and Igolomska West of 6,5 ha.
Subsidy includes purchase of the part of properties and carrying out specialised works – starting from demolition and digging activities, rebuilding conflicting power lines to create an internal communication and technical infrastructure, as well as developing of accompanying green areas investments. Connecting the technical infrastructure to zone’s borders will also provide a significant share in total expenses.
Total investments costs of “Economic Activity Zone – Nowa Huta of the Future” is more than 85 million PLN, with almost 59 million PLN from EU funds in the framework of Malopolska Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020, Measure 3.1 Economic Activity Zones, Sub-measure 3.1.1.
Economic Activity Zones – ZIT, where the Metropolia Krakowska Association is an intermediary institution.
Economic Activity Zone will be a part of the “Branice” Science and Technology Park”, which is being created in the framework of “Kraków – Nowa Huta of the Future” project. It will stimulate and revive the economy of the eastern part of Kraków and Małopolska.. The concept is to create a pro-innovation science, research and technology center of national and even international importance. Serving this purpose will be a complex of facilities offering office, laboratory, workshop, conference and exhibition space, complemented by a variety of accompanying services.
The enterprise will be also an answer to deficiency of investment terrains for industrial activity in the area of Krakow. In the coming two years the project will enable to “regain” for the city almost 40 ha of unused brownfields which will serve for development of small and medium enterprises. It is expected that approx.50 companies looking for a new space will locate there, which will create new workplaces.
Project in numbers:
Total value: 85 228 698,03 PLN
Subsidy from EU Funds: 58 897 880.68 PLN
Company’s own contribution: 26 330 817,35 PLN
Estimated quantity of trees and shrubs for planting: 300 items
Area of prepared investing terrains: 39,8 ha
Length of planned internal roads: 27,8 km
Length of planned pedestrian and cycling paths: 26,3 km
Length of planned waterways and sewage network in the EAZ area: 11,6 km
Length of external drinking water and sewage : 4,41 km
Length of planned telecommunications network: 4,1 km
Length of power lines to be wired: 2,16 km