IX European Economic Congress in Katowice came to an end. This edition broke the record on many aspects –more than 9 000 participants from Poland and abroad attended and almost 700 speakers held 12 000 hours of topical discussions. European Economic Congress was recognised as one of the most representative discussions about Europe’s future. Mr Artur Paszko, Chairman of the Board of “Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future” company took part in “Free investment areas. Idea and cooperation” panel.
Giving the example of Kraków, Mr Paszko was convincing that in case of brownfield areas active cooperation between many entities is necessary. During discussion he concluded i.a.: “There are platforms, fora or organisations which allow to create good atmosphere for dialog between municipalities and business sector. For example, we have Business Investor Service in Małopolska, but there is nothing that can be done about such a problematic issue as “unwanted” areas, if we are working alone”.
“Money, creativity, communication, social responsibility, but foremost an idea. This is a short recipe for development of areas with “hard past” – was arguing Piotr Uszok, longstanding mayor of Katowice. For years, Katowice managed to use brownfield areas development as a bargaining card in investors attracting.
How to realise investments on “unconventional areas” – experiences were presented by: Jan Bondaruk from Central Mining Institute, Jakub Chełstowski from Financial Association Silesia, Jacek Guzy Chairman of the Board of Tube Rolling Plant Silesia S.A., General Manager of Haldex S.A. Tadeusz Koperski and Marek Tokarz – Chairman of the Board of Mine Restructing Company S.A.
IX European Congress raised not only issues of national level, but also questions important for economy and internal EU politics, i.a. new idea for Europe – political changes in Union; economy after Brexit, hierarchy of values in economy of new generation of workers or IV industrial revolution – how to develop industry using the very latest technologies based on digitalisation.
European Economic Congress – EEC in Katowice is a three-day cycle of debates, meetings and accompanying events, attended by hundreds of panellists, European Commissioners, prime ministers and representatives of European Governments, chairmen of the biggest companies, scientists and practitioners, policymakers who have real impact on economic and social life. Talks about the most important issues for Europe development are being held in opinion-forming group and in open public debate.