Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future S.A. initiated talks about cooperation with the Polish Fishing Association District Kraków in order to realise “Development of water reservoirs in Przylasek Rusiecki” Plan.

Both Parties agreed that water reservoirs in Przylasek Rusiecki and their surroundings should be a place for sport and recreation for citizens of Kraków and neighboring areas and services provided there should respect these valuable natural areas. However, before Przylasek Rusiecki will become resting oasis for people, investments fully using its potential are necessary.

PhD Artur Paszko – Chairman of the Board of “Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future” Company – presented general objectives of “Krakow Nowa Huta of the Future” project, giving detailed information on  “Building of recreational infrastructure in surroundingsof  reservoir no 1” in Przylasek Rusiecki area, which is planned to be realised from “Regional Operational Plan of Małopolskie Voivodeship 2014-2020” funds.

In the meantime, the Polish Fishing Association intends to realise a project – “Building infrastructure for fishing recreation in accordance with ecological and social rules” in Przylasek Rusiecki

During the meeting it was agreed that both projects – lunched by the Company and Association – are complementary and they are a chance to create joint offer of rest and recreation. Chairman of the Board said that Company is not planning to reduce activity of fishermen in that area and intends to start fishing activity with restocking on the whole Przylasek Rusiecki area.

It was very important meeting as it allows us to look to the Przylasek Rusiecki’s future with optimism