Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business (KMA4Business)
The project includes integrated economic promotion of Małopolska’s economic potential, in particular of the Krakow Functional Area (KrOF), implemented in the form of a broad-based image campaign and direct promotion of the region’s economic potential / KrOF in the country and internationally.
The assumptions of the project are focused on the interest of Polish and foreign companies in investments in the region and stimulation of export of products and services.
The image campaign will be conducted through:
– developing a visual identification of the KrOF business brand;
– creating an internet platform;
– creation of products (carriers) of the promotional message.
Direct promotion will be implemented in the form:
– organization of economic missions to Małopolska enterprises;
– organization of economic presentations promoting the Małopolska economy in global investment service centers of companies;
– organization of conferences/meetings promoting the Małopolska economy during trade fairs;
– participation in fair and exhibition events of an investment nature on the European, Asian and Middle East markets;
– organization of at least one study visit for representatives of foreign companies;
– organization of a conference promoting the Małopolska / KrOF potential.
The recipients of the activities will be Małopolska enterprises from the SME sector, interested in internationalizing their activities.
The effect of the project will be to integrate the efforts of public partners and business-related organizations to create a joint message with attractive and competitive conditions for locating new investments in the region.
Project partners: Kraków Nowa Huta of the Future SA, Municipality of Krakow, Association of Krakow Metropolis, Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Krakow.
Project implementation period: February 2019 – January 2022
Project value: 5 587 780,00 PLN
European funds contribution: 4 479 613,00 PLN
Source of financing: Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014-2020, Priority axis 3 „Entrepreneurial Małopolska”, Measure 3.3 „Internationalization of the Małopolska economy”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 „Economic promotion of Małopolska