Krakow Metropolitan Area for Business (KMA4Business)

The pro­ject in­c­lu­des in­te­gra­ted eco­no­mic pro­mo­tion of Ma­ło­pol­ska’s eco­no­mic po­ten­tial, in par­ti­cu­lar of the Kra­kow Func­tio­nal Area (KrOF), im­ple­men­ted in the form of a broad-based image cam­pa­ign and di­rect pro­mo­tion of the re­gion’s eco­no­mic po­ten­tial / KrOF in the co­un­try and in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly.

The as­sump­tions of the pro­ject are fo­cu­sed on the in­te­rest of Po­lish and fo­re­ign com­pa­nies in in­ve­st­ments in the re­gion and sti­mu­la­tion of export of pro­ducts and se­rvi­ces.

The image cam­pa­ign will be con­duc­ted thro­ugh:

– de­ve­lo­ping a vi­su­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the KrOF bu­si­ness brand;

– cre­ating an in­ter­net plat­form;

– cre­ation of pro­ducts (car­riers) of the pro­mo­tio­nal mes­sa­ge.

Di­rect pro­mo­tion will be im­ple­men­ted in the form:

– or­ga­ni­za­tion of eco­no­mic mis­sions to Ma­ło­pol­ska en­ter­pri­ses;

– or­ga­ni­za­tion of eco­no­mic pre­sen­ta­tions pro­mo­ting the Ma­ło­pol­ska eco­no­my in glo­bal in­ve­st­ment se­rvi­ce cen­ters of com­pa­nies;

– or­ga­ni­za­tion of con­fe­ren­ces/me­etings pro­mo­ting the Ma­ło­pol­ska eco­no­my du­ring trade fairs;

– par­ti­ci­pa­tion in fair and exhi­bi­tion events of an in­ve­st­ment na­tu­re on the Eu­ro­pe­an, Asian and Mid­dle East mar­kets;

– or­ga­ni­za­tion of at least one study visit for re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves of fo­re­ign com­pa­nies;

– or­ga­ni­za­tion of a con­fe­ren­ce pro­mo­ting the Ma­ło­pol­ska / KrOF po­ten­tial.

The re­ci­pients of the ac­ti­vi­ties will be Ma­ło­pol­ska en­ter­pri­ses from the SME sec­tor, in­te­re­sted in in­ter­na­tio­na­li­zing their ac­ti­vi­ties.

The ef­fect of the pro­ject will be to in­te­gra­te the ef­forts of pu­blic part­ners and bu­si­ness-re­la­ted or­ga­ni­za­tions to cre­ate a joint mes­sa­ge with at­trac­ti­ve and com­pe­ti­ti­ve con­di­tions for lo­ca­ting new in­ve­st­ments in the re­gion.

Pro­ject part­ners: Kra­ków Nowa Huta of the Fu­tu­re SA, Mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty of Kra­kow, As­so­cia­tion of Kra­kow Me­tro­po­lis, Cham­ber of In­du­stry and Com­mer­ce in Kra­kow.

Pro­ject im­ple­men­ta­tion pe­riod: Fe­bru­ary 2019 – Ja­nu­ary 2022

Pro­ject value: 5 587 780,00 PLN

Eu­ro­pe­an funds con­tri­bu­tion: 4 479 613,00 PLN

So­ur­ce of fi­nan­cing: Re­gio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gram­me for the Ma­ło­pol­ska Re­gion 2014-2020, Prio­ri­ty axis 3 „En­tre­pre­neu­rial Ma­ło­pol­ska”, Me­asu­re 3.3 „In­ter­na­tio­na­li­za­tion of the Ma­ło­pol­ska eco­no­my”, Sub-me­asu­re 3.3.1 „Eco­no­mic pro­mo­tion of Ma­ło­pol­ska